September NexTeams/MeetUps Spotlight

Newsroom | 2 min read | September 6, 2024

Nexstar’s Call Center Management MeetUps are an opportunity for your customer service staff to come together with their peers and customer experience coaches and problem-solve issues that they might be experiencing on the job. To end the last quarter of 2024, we’re highlighting two amazing members who have led MeetUp sessions over the year!

We sat down with Mark Daniels of Bonfe’s Plumbing, Heating, & Air Service, Inc. and Silvia Espinoza of Caccia Plumbing, Inc. to ask them a little about themselves and their professional lives.

Mark Daniels, Assistant Customer Service Manager

Bonfe’s Plumbing, Heating, & Air Service, Inc.

St. Paul, Minnesota

Q: Hi, Mark! Do you think you could describe your experience leading a MeetUp in one word?

A: “Exciting!” I had a blast running my MeetUp and getting to see a bit of “inside baseball” as to how the whole process worked. All participants were incredibly inviting and supportive, letting me know I was not alone during the entire process. They cheered me on the whole time. I loved getting to see the responses that came out of the discussion topics that I had developed, since these topics were the ones I had a genuine interest in and was looking for support on for myself and my team. Getting customized support for those questions from my peers was incredibly valuable to me.

Q: How has being a part of the MeetUp monthly sessions helped further your professional development?

A: It’s allowed me to see and learn about what other companies and managers in my field are challenged with, and to find out how they’re overcoming those challenges. It’s amazing just how many of us face the same issues, no matter what trades or area we service. Learning what’s working and not working for others in this industry has really helped me to fine-tune my own style and performance.

Q: How would you spend a million dollars?

A: I would pay off debt for me and my immediate family members, so that we’d be free of that burden. I would invest the rest in order to make more money. Oh! And I would buy myself a ’68 Mustang Boss 429. Need to have a little fun with it!

Silvia Espinoza, Customer Experience Manager

Caccia Plumbing, Inc.

San Mateo, CA

Q: Hi, Silvia! How would you describe your personal superpower as the Customer Experience Manager at Caccia Plumbing?

A: I’m hyper-observant and I think that serves my role tremendously well in instances where I need to be in many places at once.

Q: If someone reading this is interested in joining a MeetUp, yet still a little hesitant, what would you say to them?

A: The best time to join is right away. Getting oriented with your new roles, practices,
and expectations is something that shouldn’t be second-guessed or left for later.

Q: If you could choose one song to play every time you walked into a room, what would you choose and why?

A: Run this Town by Jay-Z, Kanye West, and Rihanna. The reason I’d choose this song is because lyrically, it speaks about running a town and the team working together to stay above the competition – it’s great for building momentum!

If you’re interested in joining the Call Center Manager or Inside Sales Meetups, please contact your Customer Experience Coaches at [email protected].

For more information on MeetUps and NexTeams, visit their pages here.

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